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Buch, Hörbücher
Bildung und Nachschlagewerke für Kinder
Kinderbücher über Mathematik

Geometrie 10

Geometrieheft A4 Grundschule: 50 nummerierte Seiten Geometrieheft A4 blanko mit Punktraster - Kadi Publishing

Geometrieheft A4 Grundschule: 50 nummerierte Seiten Geometrieheft A4 blanko mit Punktraster

Autor: Kadi Publishing

Taschenbuch, 12.08.2022

Maths Book for 9-10 Year Olds - KS2: Year 5 Maths Workbook | Mental Arithmetic, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics for Y5 - Jungle Publishing

Maths Book for 9-10 Year Olds - KS2: Year 5 Maths Workbook | Mental Arithmetic, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics for Y5

Autor: Jungle Publishing

Taschenbuch, 21.06.2021

Mandalas für Kinder: Mandala Malbuch ab 4 Jahren. Ideal für Kindergarten und Grundschule. Fördert Konzentration, Geschick, Kreativität und Fantasie der Kleinsten. (Mini Malbücher, Band 3) - Joelle Tautou

Mandalas für Kinder: Mandala Malbuch ab 4 Jahren. Ideal für Kindergarten und Grundschule. Fördert Konzentration, Geschick, Kreativität und Fantasie der Kleinsten. (Mini Malbücher, Band 3)

Autor: Joelle Tautou

Taschenbuch, 12.01.2020

A TUTTA MATEMATICA Vol.1: Stupisci Compagni e Maestre Imparando la Matematica in Modo Semplice e Divertente Come mai Fatto a Scuola | Include App ... (Libri di Attività per Bambini Intelligenti) - Libri Allegri

A TUTTA MATEMATICA Vol.1: Stupisci Compagni e Maestre Imparando la Matematica in Modo Semplice e Divertente Come mai Fatto a Scuola | Include App ... (Libri di Attività per Bambini Intelligenti)

Autor: Libri Allegri

Taschenbuch, 11.07.2023

Mysterious Patterns: Finding Fractals in Nature - Sarah C. Campbell Fotograf: Richard P. Campbell

Mysterious Patterns: Finding Fractals in Nature

Autor: Sarah C. Campbell
Fotograf: Richard P. Campbell

Taschenbuch, 08.08.2023

Addition and Subtraction Ages 6 to 8: 100 Practice Pages, Add and Subtract, Math Drills, Digits 0-100, Timed Tests - Niso

Addition and Subtraction Ages 6 to 8: 100 Practice Pages, Add and Subtract, Math Drills, Digits 0-100, Timed Tests

Autor: Niso

Taschenbuch, 06.02.2023

Pixel Art – Malbuch 1: Malbuch für Kinder. Malvorlagen zum Reproduzieren auf Gitterlinien, mysteriöse Malvorlagen und leere Gitter zum Erfinden ... Jahren. Ideal für den Einstieg in Pixel Art. - Rachelle Leloup

Pixel Art – Malbuch 1: Malbuch für Kinder. Malvorlagen zum Reproduzieren auf Gitterlinien, mysteriöse Malvorlagen und leere Gitter zum Erfinden ... Jahren. Ideal für den Einstieg in Pixel Art.

Autor: Rachelle Leloup

Taschenbuch, 08.12.2020

Dr. Math Presents More Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math - The Math Forum The Math Forum

Dr. Math Presents More Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math

The Math Forum The Math Forum


Geometry Proofs Essential Practice Problems Workbook with Full Solutions - Chris McMullen

Geometry Proofs Essential Practice Problems Workbook with Full Solutions

Chris McMullen


The Museum of Mysteries: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Rescue an Ancient Treasure (Math Quest) - David Glover

The Museum of Mysteries: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Rescue an Ancient Treasure (Math Quest)

David Glover


If You Were a Polygon (Math Fun) - Marcie Aboff

If You Were a Polygon (Math Fun)

Marcie Aboff


NUMBER TRACING PRACTICE!: Activity for Study & Teaching. (Learning is Fun!, Band 1) - AvePublish Child's Care

NUMBER TRACING PRACTICE!: Activity for Study & Teaching. (Learning is Fun!, Band 1)

AvePublish Child's Care


Tangrams and Puzzles: Fun, Hands-On Activities for Learning Math (Math Lab for Kids) - Rebecca Rapoport, J. A. Yoder

Tangrams and Puzzles: Fun, Hands-On Activities for Learning Math (Math Lab for Kids)

Rebecca Rapoport, J. A. Yoder


Shape Up!: Fun With Triangles and Other Polygons - David A. Adler

Shape Up!: Fun With Triangles and Other Polygons

David A. Adler


Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland - Cindy Neuschwander

Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland

Cindy Neuschwander


Unusual book

Cavern of Clues: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Uncover Black Beard's Gold (Math Quest) - David Glover

Cavern of Clues: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Uncover Black Beard's Gold (Math Quest)

David Glover


Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter - Cindy Neuschwander

Sir Cumference and the Isle of Immeter

Cindy Neuschwander


When young Per visits her uncle Sir Cumference and his family, she learns how to play the game, " Inners and Edges. " After she finds a clue linking the game to the mysterious castle on the island of Immeter, she must figure out how to find the perimeter and area of a circle to unlock the island's secret. Math skills taught include finding the area and perimeter of a rectangle and a circle. Introduces an underlying concept of calculus - using straight lines to measure curves.

Buch, Hörbücher, Kategorie Geometrie, Weitere Seiten:
 1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10