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Buch, Hörbücher
Gesundheit für Jugendliche

Krankheiten 10

MS-Journal: Meine täglichen Notizen im Leben mit Multipler Sklerose: Erfahrungen, Reflexionen und Erkenntnisse über meine Multiple Sklerose - Petra Karla

MS-Journal: Meine täglichen Notizen im Leben mit Multipler Sklerose: Erfahrungen, Reflexionen und Erkenntnisse über meine Multiple Sklerose

Autor: Petra Karla

Taschenbuch, 04.09.2023

Allergietagebuch bei Histaminintoleranz: Ein Tagebuch zu Einflüssen bei Allergien: Dokumentieren Sie Momente Ihrer Histamin-Unverträglichkeiten und erkennen Sie Muster in Ihren Symptomen. - Petra Karla

Allergietagebuch bei Histaminintoleranz: Ein Tagebuch zu Einflüssen bei Allergien: Dokumentieren Sie Momente Ihrer Histamin-Unverträglichkeiten und erkennen Sie Muster in Ihren Symptomen.

Autor: Petra Karla

Taschenbuch, 11.09.2023

Das Ende - Mats Strandberg Übersetzer: Antje Rieck-Blankenburg

Das Ende

Autor: Mats Strandberg
Übersetzer: Antje Rieck-Blankenburg

Taschenbuch, 18.06.2021

Strom auf der Tapete: Roman - Badey, Kühn

Strom auf der Tapete: Roman

Autoren: Badey, Kühn

Taschenbuch, 10.07.2018

Liebe, Stolz und andere Vorurteile - Becky Dean Übersetzer: Susanne Just

Liebe, Stolz und andere Vorurteile

Autor: Becky Dean
Übersetzer: Susanne Just

Buch, Broschiert, 17.04.2024

Und plötzlich steht dein Leben auf null: Ein Jugendroman über Krebs, der Mut macht - Karolin Kolbe Designer: Frauke Schneider

Und plötzlich steht dein Leben auf null: Ein Jugendroman über Krebs, der Mut macht

Autor: Karolin Kolbe
Designer: Frauke Schneider

Buch, Broschiert, 16.03.2021

Die Tiere Des Bauernhofs: Ein Bilderbuch mit Bauernhoftieren zur Unterstützung bei Gedächtnisverlust für ältere Menschen, Demenzkranke und Erwachsene mit Alzheimer. - Lisa Publisher

Die Tiere Des Bauernhofs: Ein Bilderbuch mit Bauernhoftieren zur Unterstützung bei Gedächtnisverlust für ältere Menschen, Demenzkranke und Erwachsene mit Alzheimer.

Autor: Lisa Publisher

Taschenbuch, 28.07.2023

Sugars and Fats (What's on MyPlate?) by Mari Schuh (2012-08-01) - Mari Schuh

Sugars and Fats (What's on MyPlate?) by Mari Schuh (2012-08-01)

Mari Schuh


Guess Who, Baby Duck! by Amy Hest (2004-02-23) - Amy Hest

Guess Who, Baby Duck! by Amy Hest (2004-02-23)

Amy Hest

Gebundene Ausgabe

Emily: Louder Than Words - Emily Smucker

Emily: Louder Than Words

Emily Smucker

Audible Hörbuch

Emily's the sick one. . . all of the time.

Plagued with some sort of cold or fever or bizarre aches and pains for much of her life, Emily thought the dizziness and stomachaches at the start of her senior year were just another bout of " Emily flu". But when they didn't go away, she knew something was seriously wrong. Eventually diagnosed with the rare and incurable West Nile virus, Emily watched her senior year and the future she had planned for go up in smoke.

Positive: A Memoir - Paige Rawl

Positive: A Memoir

Paige Rawl

Audible Hörbuch

An astonishing memoir for the untold number of children whose lives have been touched by bullying. Positive is a must-hear for teens, their parents, educators, and administrators - a brave, visceral work that will save lives and resonate deeply.

Paige Rawl has been H I V positive since birth, but growing up, she never felt like her illness defined her. On an unremarkable day in middle school, she disclosed to a friend her H I V-positive status - and within hours the bullying began. From that moment forward, every day was like walking through a minefield. Paige was never sure when or from where the next text, taunt, or hateful message would come. Then one night, desperate for escape, 15-year-old Paige found herself in her bathroom staring at a bottle of sleeping pills.

That could have been the end of her story. Instead, it was only the beginning. Paige's memoir calls for listeners to choose action over complacency, compassion over cruelty - and above all, to be Positive.

P L E A S E N O T E: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio.

'Wél positief blijven': De strijd van Rens Raemakers tegen kanker - Rens Raemakers, Mérie van der Rijt

'Wél positief blijven': De strijd van Rens Raemakers tegen kanker

Rens Raemakers, Mérie van der Rijt


Wél positief blijven Rens Raemakers is 18 jaar als hij de schrik van zijn leven krijgt: hij blijkt zaadbalkanker met vele uitzaaiingen te hebben. De kanker wint steeds verder terrein en Raemakers moet klap op klap incasseren. In ? Wél positief blijven? vertelt Raemakers hoe hij omging met tegenslag, pijn, verdriet en de groeiende kloof tussen hem en de rest van de wereld. In deze periode leek de dood soms beter dan het leven. Openhartig vertelt hij de rauwe werkelijkheid van operaties, loodzware chemotherapie en stamceltransplantaties die uiteindelijk zijn leven redden. Na twee jaar is Raemakers hersteld en stort hij zich op zijn studie en politieke ambities. Op 25-jarige leeftijd wordt hij gekozen als jongste Tweede Kamerlid. Elke dag geniet hij er volop van zijn ambities waar te maken. ? Wél positief blijven? is een boek over het leven, over eruit halen wat erin zit, over het kostbare bezit van een gezond lichaam en ervan genieten zolang als het kan. Het is een bron van inspiratie voor mensen die kampen met een ernstige ziekte én voor gezonde mensen. Rens Raemakers (1991) werd op 23 maart 2017 geïnstalleerd als het jongste lid van de Tweede Kamer voor D66. Raemakers was tussen 2014 en 2017 gemeenteraadslid en fractievoorzitter in het Limburgse Leudal. In 2010 werd hij lid van D66. Mérie van der Rijt (1970) is freelance tekstschrijver. Meer informatie over haar werk: www. copyrijt. nl.

A Story About Cancer With a Happy Ending - Marianne Ferrer

A Story About Cancer With a Happy Ending

Marianne Ferrer

Gebundene Ausgabe

Gebundenes Buch
When visiting a hospital in Montreal, Quebec, a few years ago, bestselling author India Desjardins met a 10-year-old girl with leukemia. The girl told her she that she was fed up. All the stories about children like her who had cancer had sad endings, so she didn't want to read them. She asked India to write a story about cancer with a happy ending instead, one with laughter and romance. India did, and the story became this book. I think about everything I'll miss if they tell me I'm going to die. . . my mum, my dad, my sister, cookies, T V shows I'll never get to see the end of, walking outside when it's really nice, the smell of autumn, the starry sky on a full moon, my grandparents, my grandpa's lasagna, kissing Victor, Victor's eyes, Victor's voice, Victor's smell, Victor's hands. . . Victor. A teenage girl heads towards the hospital waiting room where the doctors are going to tell her how much time she's got to live. As she walks, she thinks about her journey up to this point. . . the terrible decor in the hospital, wearing a headscarf, the horrible treatments, but also being with her friends, family, and her new boyfriend Victor. While this story has a happy ending, the girl offers an honest account of what it feels like to be a teenager with cancer . Like how she just wants everyone to treat her like a normal person and stop telling her how strong she is - especially her mum. And how, even though everyone is telling her to stay positive, she sometimes loses hope and even wants to die to make the pain go away. Dreamlike illustrations elegantly convey the emotional complexities. Like the girl in this story, the girl that India met at the hospital is now cured. She also fell in love during her illness. Today, around eight out of ten children who are diagnosed with cancer are cured. This story was written to give any child who has cancer hope.

Althea & Oliver - Cristina Moracho

Althea & Oliver

Cristina Moracho


You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Antibiotics! by Anne Rooney (2014-09-05) - Anne Rooney

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Antibiotics! by Anne Rooney (2014-09-05)

Anne Rooney


And So They Build by Bert Kitchen (1993-09-01) - Bert Kitchen

And So They Build by Bert Kitchen (1993-09-01)

Bert Kitchen

Gebundene Ausgabe

Alopecia Areata (Genetic & Developmental Diseases & Disorders) by Janey Levy (2006-07-01) - Janey Levy

Alopecia Areata (Genetic & Developmental Diseases & Disorders) by Janey Levy (2006-07-01)

Janey Levy


Invisible Enemies: Stories of Infectious Disease (English Edition) - Jeanette Farrell

Invisible Enemies: Stories of Infectious Disease (English Edition)

Autor: Jeanette Farrell

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben

Sex Education for Teens: Understanding Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships. The Things Teens Don't Want to Discuss to Their Parents (English Edition) - Kathy Wynne Vorwort: Lisa Perizzolo

Sex Education for Teens: Understanding Sex, Sexuality, and Relationships. The Things Teens Don't Want to Discuss to Their Parents (English Edition)

Autor: Kathy Wynne
Vorwort: Lisa Perizzolo

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben

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