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Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Psychologie 03

Generalisierte Angststörung: Der praktische Ratgeber für Betroffene und Angehörige – inkl. Selbsttest & 37 befreienden Selbsthilfe-Übungen - Ina Brunnlandt, Ina Brunnlandt

Generalisierte Angststörung: Der praktische Ratgeber für Betroffene und Angehörige – inkl. Selbsttest & 37 befreienden Selbsthilfe-Übungen

Autoren: Ina Brunnlandt, Ina Brunnlandt

Taschenbuch, 31.08.2022

Was hilft Psychotherapie, Herr Kernberg?: Erfahrungen eines berühmten Psychotherapeuten - Prof. Dr. Otto Kernberg, Manfred Lütz

Was hilft Psychotherapie, Herr Kernberg?: Erfahrungen eines berühmten Psychotherapeuten

Autoren: Prof. Dr. Otto Kernberg, Manfred Lütz

Gebundene Ausgabe, 14.09.2020

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness (Picador Classic, 4) - Kay Redfield Jamison Einleitung: Andrew Solomon

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness (Picador Classic, 4)

Autor: Kay Redfield Jamison
Einleitung: Andrew Solomon

Taschenbuch, 01.01.2015

In Männerkleidern: Das verwegene Leben der Catharina Margaretha Linck alias Anastasius Lagrantinus Rosenstengel, hingerichtet 1721. Biographie und Dokumentation - Angela Steidele

In Männerkleidern: Das verwegene Leben der Catharina Margaretha Linck alias Anastasius Lagrantinus Rosenstengel, hingerichtet 1721. Biographie und Dokumentation

Autor: Angela Steidele

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.11.2021

Winnicott verstehen: Einführung in seine psychoanalytischen Konzepte (Bibliothek der Psychoanalyse) - Thomas Auchter

Winnicott verstehen: Einführung in seine psychoanalytischen Konzepte (Bibliothek der Psychoanalyse)

Autor: Thomas Auchter

Taschenbuch, 01.04.2024

Eternal Echoes: Erich Neumann's Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil - Nancy Swift Furlotti

Eternal Echoes: Erich Neumann's Timeless Relevance to Consciousness, Creativity, and Evil

Autor: Nancy Swift Furlotti

Taschenbuch, 13.09.2023

Renate Riemeck: Historikerin, Pädagogin, Pazifistin (1920-2003) - Vinzens, Albert

Renate Riemeck: Historikerin, Pädagogin, Pazifistin (1920-2003)

Autoren: Vinzens, Albert

Gebundene Ausgabe, 30.08.2023

99 Zitate von Søren Kierkegaard: Weisheiten eines Existenzialisten: Tauchen Sie ein in die Gedankenwelt eines großen Philosophen - Olivia Klein

99 Zitate von Søren Kierkegaard: Weisheiten eines Existenzialisten: Tauchen Sie ein in die Gedankenwelt eines großen Philosophen

Autor: Olivia Klein

Taschenbuch, 18.08.2023

How It Feels to Be Colored Me (American Roots) - Zora Hurston

How It Feels to Be Colored Me (American Roots)

Zora Hurston

Gebundene Ausgabe



Leon Hesser


Richtig leben: Die Lehren des weisen Shivapuri Baba - John G. Bennett

Richtig leben: Die Lehren des weisen Shivapuri Baba

John G. Bennett


Harry Merl - Vater der Familientherapie: Eine Biografie - Johannes Neuhauser

Harry Merl - Vater der Familientherapie: Eine Biografie

Johannes Neuhauser

Gebundene Ausgabe

Tea with Winnicott (Interviews With Icons) - Brett Kahr

Tea with Winnicott (Interviews With Icons)

Brett Kahr


The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


Vickers, J:  Lou Von Salome: A Biography of the Woman Who Inspired Freud, Nietzsche and Rilke - Julia Vickers

Vickers, J: Lou Von Salome: A Biography of the Woman Who Inspired Freud, Nietzsche and Rilke

Julia Vickers


Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius - Sylvia Nasar

Grand Pursuit: The Story of Economic Genius

Sylvia Nasar

Audible Hörbuch

In a sweeping narrative, the author of the mega-bestseller A Beautiful Mind takes us on a journey through modern history with the men and women who changed the lives of every single person on the planet. It's the epic story of the making of modern economics, and of how it rescued mankind from squalor and deprivation by placing its material fate in its own hands rather than in Fate.

Nasar's account begins with Charles Dickens and Henry Mayhew observing and publishing the condition of the poor majority in mid nineteenth-century London, the richest and most glittering place in the world. This was a new pursuit. She then describes the efforts of Marx, Engels, Alfred Marshal, Beatrice and Sydney Webb, and Irving Fisher to put those insights into action - with revolutionary consequences for the world.

From the great John Maynard Keynes to Schumpeter, Hayek, Keynes's disciple Joan Robinson, the influential American economists Paul Samuelson and Milton Freedman, and India's Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, she shows how the insights of these activist thinkers transformed the world - from one city, London, to the developed nations in Europe and America, and now to the entire world.

In Nasar's dramatic account of these discoverers we witness men and women responding to personal crises, world wars, revolutions, economic upheavals, and each other's ideas to turn back Malthus and transform the dismal science into a triumph over mankind's hitherto age-old destiny of misery and early death.

This idea, unimaginable less than 200 years ago, is a story of trial and error, and ultimately transcendent, rendered here in stunning narrative.

Denial: A Memoir (P.S.) - Jessica Stern

Denial: A Memoir (P.S.)

Jessica Stern


Isaiah Berlin: A Life - Michael Ignatieff

Isaiah Berlin: A Life

Michael Ignatieff


Isaiah Berlin was one of the leading liberal thinkers of the 20th century, and one of its fastest talkers. Born in the Latvian port of Riga in 1909, his family survived the Russian Revolution, but its chilly aftermath forced his Anglophile father to resettle them in Surbiton in 1921. Isaiah assimilated quickly, becoming in his mind equal parts Russian, English and Jewish, and subsequently he became the first Jew to be elected a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. He was to spend most of his life studying and lecturing at Oxford, developing his concept of "negative liberty"; but although he longed to know one big thing, to be a "hedgehog" in his own famous definition, instead he felt more naturally a "fox", knowing many smaller things. This Reynard instinct, however, made him wonderful company, and he became that rarity: a British public intellectual, who made learning attractive. Michael Ignatieff has written a book that stands somewhere between a biography and a ghost-written autobiography, relying mostly on Berlin's own recollections gathered from conversations between them over a 10-year period. Berlin had his detractors, including himself ("superficial"), and a more critical evaluation of his contribution to philosophy will be written, but Ignatieff captures the human side of this wise and cosmopolitan man, whose deceptive "lightness of being" concealed a soul that stared at the horrors of his century. -< I> David Vincent

Zweitwohnsitz: Werde deine Reizblase endlich los! - Lisa Kellner

Zweitwohnsitz: Werde deine Reizblase endlich los!

Autor: Lisa Kellner

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben

Date Education: Love Bombing, Bindungsangst und Tinder-Frust: Durchschaue dein Date - Nasanin Kamani

Date Education: Love Bombing, Bindungsangst und Tinder-Frust: Durchschaue dein Date

Autor: Nasanin Kamani

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben

Buch, Hörbücher, Kategorie Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Psychologie, Weitere Seiten:
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